Veil Nebula

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Technical data:
Scope:   Borg 100ED F6.4 w/Multi-flattener
Mount: Losmandy G11
Guider: SBIG STV / Borg 76ED @ F6.6
Camera: Planet Town 6x7 vacuum-back astro camera
Film: Kodak E200 (+2 push)
Exposure: 60 minutes


The Veil Nebula, a supernova remnant estimated to be 160,000 years old, contains numerous subtle filaments which are difficult to see even on contrast-enhanced color images. But when the red-channel is viewed as a high contrast negative, the additional structure becomes much more apparent.

Click on the photo to see the color (positive) version.

Copyright 2001 by David A. Kodama, All Rights Reserved