Norwalk Kendo Dojo Meeting 12/8/06


  1. Center items: 12/6/06 meeting report
  2. Federation items: 12/2/06 SCKF meeting report
  3. Old Business
  4. New Business

next meetings: 1/19
next enrollment dates: 1/5

Note: due to 13WKC, this month's meeting was cancelled.
  1. Center notes
    1. 12/6/06 meeting report
      • Bingo: 1/6 Monday Karaoke and Odori, serving teriyaki chicken and chili rice
      • Treasury: AUSKF donated $2500 for use of gym for Team USA
      • Calendar: kendo has gym 12/15 5pm-12am for Christmas party
      • Newsletters:
        - next Tomodachi article due 12/30
        - Rafu Shimpo page submitted, should be out this weekend
            see kendo submission
        - next Rafuu Shimpo article due 12/29
      • Mailings: please email updated membership list to Mas Onoda in time for the Jan newsletters. Send an excel spreadsheet with separate columns for lastname, firstname, street address, city, state, zipcode. Please also help clean out old names (Mas has master list).
      • more problems
        - graffiti north and west wall
        - prowler among cars, jumped fence near Dick's house
        - should the Center install surveillance cameras? $3K
  2. Federation notes
    1. 12/2/06 SCKF meeting report (see SCKF website for agenda and more details on specific items)
      • AUSKF Board meeting 11/11-12
        - enormous Team USA budget, approx $100K (more practices/travel, more time pre-taikai, more training expenses)
      • AUSKF kodansha shinsa 11/12: only five 5 dans passed, no 6 dan or 7 dan.
        from SCKF: 5 dan Kang Moon (CHUO) and Sherwin Kim (SFV), Renshi Tomoji Kato (COV) and Masataka Sakaue (COV), Kyoshi Hiroyoshi Hosokawa (CM)
      • 2007-2008 elections
        - new president James Yamasaki (PCI) received 14 votes, vs floor-nominated Murakami (11 votes)
        - new 1st VP Albert Kim (TOR), received 23 of 25 votes
        - all other officers same as last year
        - defer historian and parliamentarian officers, amend bylaws to make appointed or merged (present at Feb meeting)
      • New Year's party: Secret Garden (Korean BBQ restaurant), see agenda for address. Notify Murakami sensei by 12/29 with attendee count.
      • menjos were passed out
      • 2007 calendar: see website
      • Steveston taikai: sign up with Yuge sensei by 1/10
      • Ruby Sakurai funeral: thank you from JCI dojo
      • see holiday schedule for keiko
  3. Old business notes
    1. dojo contact list and telephone tree: Rex Hahn
    2. gift for Domen Sumi: two keikogi
    3. Christmas party 12/15
  4. New business notes

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