Southern California
Kendo Federation


Bullet list summary of requests and issues in previous letters sent to AUSKF

Based on:

Requests and issues:

  1. AUSKF documents
    1. 02/05/17: last 5 years AUSKF BoD minutes, financial reports, and budgets
    2. 04/06/17: include treasurer and finance committee reports
    3. 04/06/17: include other committee budgets and reports including BOD, EDU, PRM, CMP, IAI, SUM, USC, WKC, FIK, PRE, MIS
    4. 04/08/18: AUSKF BoD minutes, financial reports, and budgets from Apr'2012 on (at that point expecting 12 sets, since 2 meetings per year)

  2. AUSKF online membership system
    1. 02/05/17: batch (spreadsheet) input supported with the initial release
    2. 02/05/17: thorough development and testing including multiple levels of pilot testing
    3. 02/05/17: use cases (detailed documentation) for online input, batch input, database administration, payment methods
    4. 02/05/17: security testing (penetration tests, etc)
    5. 02/05/17: cyber insurance
    6. 02/05/17: lawyers identify data protection laws and develop response plans
    7. 02/24/17: do not go live until the system has undergone more testing
    8. 02/24/17: do not go live until the system has undergone detailed legal review
    9. 02/24/17: legal review to include the laws of each state with AUSKF members
    10. 04/06/17: spreadsheet sanity check function
    11. 04/06/17: spreadsheet import function
    12. 04/06/17: spreadsheet export function
    13. 04/06/17: spreadsheet validation function
    14. 04/06/17: the above thoroughly vetted and tested before going live
    15. 04/06/17: the above only available at appropriate adminstration levels
    16. 04/08/18: Thoroughly vet and develop features before allowing them to affect the membership database, and restore any member data that is lost or corrupted
    17. 04/08/18: Ongoing testing of features and security, especially after changes are made to the system, consistent with best industry practices
    18. 04/08/18: Integrate spreadsheet-based registration into the online system, and always support it as an option

  3. AUSKF kodansha shinsa
    1. 04/06/17: do not require a menjo check with kodansha shinsa application package
    2. 04/06/17: set BoD meeting/kodansha shinsa locations/dates at least 2 yrs ahead
    3. 04/06/17: set summer camp/kodansha shinsa location/date at least 1 yr ahead


  • 04/07/18: creation
  • 11/13/18: merged 5th letter (sent 04/08/18 to AUSKF) into above list

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