Southern California
Kendo Federation


SCKF Budget Committee


Budget Committee Timeline and Schedule (preliminary thoughts)
  • May: Kick off budget committee.
  • Jun: SCKF or committee agreement on timeline.
  • Jul: Agreement by SCKF Board of Mission/Purpose Statement.
  • Aug: Agreement on areas of stakeholder interests and their weighting (%)
  • Sep: Agreement of Aims and specific measurable objectives; SCKF board informed
  • Oct: Part I-agreement of allocated budget against the aims/objectives; Board agreement
  • Nov: Part II-agreement of allocated budget against the aims/objectives; Board agreement.
  • Dec: Final Budget agreement and go-ahead for committees to plan accordingly for the next (and future) fiscal years; Board agreement
The above milestones include development of any relevant supporting documents and procedures.  

Subject: SCKF Notional Framework for a Budget
From: Bill Kaneshiro
(first discussed at 5/13/17 SCKF BoD meeting)

Jean: As promised, some thoughts on the SCKF Budget as we briefly discussed last week...

In order to put some semblance of a disciplined framework for our SCKF finances and budget outlays, a few things need to be considered. First, "What is the purpose of the enterprise?" Next, "What are the organization’s goals (aims)/ objectives?" And related to that, "Who are the stakeholders of the SCKF, and what are their interests?"

Here is a notional set of answers which will ultimately need to be vetted with the Board Members and made consistent with any approved charters/documentation of the SCKF. This example may provide insight on the thinking that should go into an eventual federation budget.

  1. SCKF Purpose:
    • To promote, encourage, and sustain the development of kendo, and of its supporting organizations and practitioners, in the Southern California region consistent with its cultural, philosophical, and martial art traditions.

  2. SCKF Aim/Objectives
    • Aim: Promote kendo in the community thru philanthropic events and exposure in media
      • Objective: SCKF support to community kendo events for each member dojo—at least two events per dojo separate from existing community center annual fundraising events (e.g. Obon demonstrations)
      • Objective: SCKF support to kendo demonstration events to local community institutions, e.g. Senior Assisted Living Facilities, children disability orgs, Boy/Girl Scouts, Church/Temple, Nisei Week, City Events, etc. -- 10 new events in 2018
      • Objective: SCKF support to exposure of kendo in Web-based media, television, other media- local, state, national, international -- 5-10 instances
      • Objective: 20% Increase in SCKF membership in 2 years
    • Aim: Encourage the membership in the SCKF through value-adding and readily identifiable support
      • Objective: Reduce the membership "drop-rate" year-to-year by 20%
      • Objective: Perform outreach to newer/smaller/remote dojos -- 100% in the year
      • Objective: Provide equipment to dojos in need -- for each new/young dojo requesting assistance
    • Aim: Sustain the SCKF and its membership organizations and practitioners
      • Objective: Conduct training seminars for select membership demographics -- 2 or more times a year
      • Objective: Conduct competitions/events wherein all kenshi and referees, have opportunities to build comraderie, learn from each other, identify with and enjoy the experience -- 3-4 per year at various levels
      • Objective: Conduct academic seminars on Budo, Kendo, kinesiology/sports science, related topics by experts from around the nation/world -- kendoists, scholars, historians, culture specialists, et al -- 2x per year open to the public

  3. Stakeholders and Interests
    • Stakeholders
      1. Dojos
      2. Kendoists
      3. Community Centers
      4. City
      5. AUSKF
      6. Other regional federations
      7. International Kendo organizations
      8. Parents
      9. Institutions (Schools, Colleges, companies, gov't (consulates, military, security forces, etc.), Cultural/Historical Societies (e.g. Japan Society, Museums, Military Arts History organizations, etc. )
    • Interests, i.e. why people are interested in kendo:
      1. Exercise
      2. Opportunity to compete (individual, team)
      3. Build skill in a traditional martial art
      4. Intellectual—culture, philosophy, history, art
      5. Social
      6. Building strength in community diversity
      7. Supporting Youth
      8. Supporting Seniors
      9. Teach/instruct/mentor youth, adults,
      10. Pass on the art to next generation as they've been taught/Learn from those who are passing the art
      11. Travel
      12. Friends (local, in state, nationally, internationally)
      13. Cultural enrichment
      14. etc.
    The interests of the stakeholders should help identify where the Goals (aims)/Objectives might be year-to-year. In fact, the aims may be fixed and the objectives adjusted periodically.

Here's a notional Budget and their categories that takes into account some of the things above:

  1. Tournaments: 40%
  2. Outreach: 10%
  3. Representational: 5%
  4. Education -- For instructing, training: 20%
  5. Academic/Cultural Seminars: 10%
  6. Stakeholder Relations (or, organizational investments): 5%
  7. Community/City Support: 10%
This would be adjust according to year-end results and time deemed necessary to reach goals/objectives.

The above is just a quick example of the basic framework and how it might fit together. To be clear, this would have to be validated with the Board members. The first year, could be a trial and we can adjust as needed going forward.

Sorry for the length, but this is the gist of what I was thinking last week. Feel free to share widely. Feedback is always welcomed. Hope this helps.

- Bill  

Zero-Based Budgeting

Some notes on zero-based budgeting (see article)

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