Moleskine notes

Moleskines are very high quality pocket notebooks, featuring oilcloth bound covers and acid-free pages. They are widely used by productivity enthusiasts and creative people. Possible uses include recording:

  • goals and milestones
  • advice received
  • lessons learned
  • training programs
  • shiai results
and, perhaps most importantly, journaling.

This page will be expanded to include various suggestions for using a moleskine (or other notebook), as well as other other ideas for improving your kendo and your life.

In a nutshell, here is Jerry Seinfeld's productivity secret for achieving consistent, daily action toward your goal: get a big wall calendar, draw a big red X over the first day you perform your daily action, and keep at it day after day. Don't break the chain of red X's!

©2010. Norwalk Kendo Dojo. Everything within these pages are property of Norwalk Kendo Dojo and may not be used without written permission.