Southern California
Kendo Federation


Kamei Sensei Seminar
Sat-Sun, 11/10-11/12
Wilson Park

  • schedule summary (see flyer for details)
    Sat 9am-12pm    yudansha seminar: seme and waza
                    please arrive 8am to help with set up
    Sat 1-3pm       3dan and above: shinsa workshop
        3-4pm       godo geiko
    Sat 6pm         dinner party at Furusato Korean BBQ in Gardena
    Sun 8:30am-12pm all ages and ranks: basics for all levels
    Sun 1pm-2:45pm  godo keiko

  • message from Yuge sensei

    Subject: Kamei Sensei Visit and Seminar - Nov. 10 and 11 - URGENT

    Dear SCKF Members:

    Please forward this to your dojo members as quickly as possible!

    See attachment for detailed schedule.

    This is the first time, in years, that SCKF has brought a sensei from Japan to instruct us. Please make every effort to attend this event!

    I have have finally finalized the schedule for the Kamei-sensei visit and seminar. Please review the schedule and note that there are two items that need immediate attention:

    • Bento orders for Saturday and or Sunday (due 11/5)
    • Dinner Party for Saturday night (due 11/7)

    Also if there are any questions regarding who can attend, please let me know as soon as possible.

    • Saturday morning: This will be more for yudansha members, especially those in the 1-5 dan class who have intentions of taking shinsa in the future, however all yudansha should attend
    • Saturday afternoon: The "Kendo Basics using Bokuto" is important for all members, especially 2kyu and above (children and adults). If previously had at this year's Las Vegas Summer Camp, you should attend to assist or get more practice! Bring your bokken (tachi-long sword)!
    • Sunday morning: Everyone (children and adult, all kyu and yudansha) should attend!
    • Sunday afternoon: Limited space but we will have godo keiko. We may limit to yudansa only due to space.

    Note: We will try and have godo keiko on Saturday as well.

    Thank you!

    T. Yuge

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