Southern California
Kendo Federation


SCKF Board of Directors Meetings

The following is the schedule for this year's meetings and godo geiko (open practice, generally held on the 2nd Saturday of the month. Board meeting is at 7:30pm, godo geiko is from 6-7pm (host dojo please arrive 5:30pm).

2015 SCKF Board Meetings and godo geiko, Saturday at Chuo Dojo

    date        godo geiko host
    --------    --------------------------------------------
    07/11       Sho-Tokyo
    08/08       Pasadena JCI and San Diego Kendo Bu
    09/12       Chuo
    10/10       Norwalk
    11/07       Gedatsu
    12/05       OCB

Notes for meetings moved to 1st Saturday

  • feb (2/14 conflicts with Steveston Tournament)
  • mar (3/14 conflicts with North-South Tournament)
  • apr (4/11 conflicts with AUSKF Board meeting)
  • nov (11/14 conflicts with AUSKF Board meeting)
  • dec (1st Saturday, per Bylaws)


  1. 1/9/15: initial draft
  2. 2/7/15: move March meeting to 3/7; minor clean up
  3. 3/7/15: fix April and May date typos
  4. 3/18/15: start adding agenda links for meetings (ongoing)
  5. 5/6/15: create agenda subdirectory, move/rename agenda files
  6. 7/1/15: move 1st sat notes; remove "coming soon"
  7. 7/8/15: add godo geiko schedule and 2016 link
  8. 12/6/15: set agenda link default to 2016 (instead of this file)
  9. 6/7/16: replace link to preliminary 2016 calendar with 2016 meeting summary

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