Southern California
Kendo Federation


SCKF Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Saturday, 2/3/18, Chuo Dojo, 7:30pm
6pm Godo Geiko (hosted by OCB Dojo)

FINAL (see bottom)
  1. Approval of meeting agenda, with amendments:
    1. remove VI.C.1 (hearing-impaired participant?)
    2. add VI.G (Team USA and 17WKC)
    3. add IV.B (new dojo rep for VEN)
  2. Approval of previous meeting minutes (see note 2 below) [J Yamasaki]
  3. Financial report (see note 3 below)
  4. Calendar and website updates
    1. transition of website from to
    2. new VEN dojo rep: Hiroko Kusano
  5. Past events
    1. SCKF New Year's Party
      1/14/18, Almansor Court
    2. Mori Hai Tournament
      1/21/18, Wilson Park
      1. donation of tables
  6. Upcoming events
    1. Steveston Tournament
      2/10/18, Steveston Canada
      1. donation?
    2. FIK Shinpan Seminar
      2/10-11/18, Montreal Canada
    3. SCKF Shinpan Seminar
      2/25/18, El Rancho HS
    4. North-South Tournament
      3/25/18, Wilson Park
    5. AUSKF Junior Open
      4/8/18, Huntington Beach
    6. AUSKF Board Meeting and Kodansha Shinsa
      4/14-15/18, So Cal
    7. Team USA and 17WKC
      9/14-17/18, Incheon Korea
  7. Committee and other business
    1. SCKF shinsa regulations
      1. shinpan/kata seminar to test for 3dan and above (by October 2019?)
      2. examiner workshop requirements for examiners
      3. wording clean up and updates
  8. Review deadlines and action items
  9. Adjourn


  1. Please review the draft agenda and send feedback asap to J Kodama so it can be finalized by the Wednesday prior to the meeting (keep watching for updates up until that point)
  2. Please review the minutes and send feedback asap to J Yamasaki so they can be finalized by the Wednesday prior to the meeting
  3. See report in the google drive reports folder
  4. Revisions
    1. 1/30/18 initial draft
    2. 1/31/18 updates
      - add IV.A (
      - add V.B.1 (donation tables)
      - add VI.A.1 (donation?)
      - add VI.C (link to new shinpan seminar page)
      - add VI.C.1 (hearing-impaired?)
      - add VII.A (shinsa regulations)
      - mark as final draft
    3. 2/3/18 final approval at meeting
      - remove VI.C.1 (hearing-impaired participant?)
      - add VI.G (Team USA and 17WKC)
      - add IV.B (new dojo rep for VEN)
      - mark as final

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