Southern California
Kendo Federation


SCKF Budget Plan

Timeline and Schedule

  • Jun: BoD agreement on timeline and Vision/Purpose Statement
  • Jul: Agreement on areas of stakeholder interests and their weighting (%)
  • Aug: Agreement of Aims and specific measurable objectives
  • Sep: Agreement of allocated budget against the aims/objectives (part 1)
  • Oct: Agreement of allocated budget against the aims/objectives (part 2), go-ahead for committees to plan for the next (and future) fiscal years
The above milestones include development of any relevant supporting documents and procedures.

Below, "Kendo" includes the related arts of Iaido and Jodo.  

SCKF Notional Framework for a Budget

In order to set the operational and program priorities for SCKF finances and budget outlays, a few things need to be considered. First, "What is the purpose of the enterprise?" Next, "What are the organization's goals (aims) and objectives?" And related to that, "Who are the stakeholders of SCKF, and what are their interests?"

Below is a notional set of answers which will be modified and refined as we progress through the timeline outlined above.

  1. SCKF Vision:
    • Cultivating human excellence through Kendo builds bridges between people and communities.

  2. SCKF Purpose:
    • To promote, encourage, and sustain the development of Kendo, and of its supporting organizations and practitioners, consistent with its cultural, philosophical, and martial arts (Budo) traditions.

  3. SCKF Aims and Objectives
    • Aim: Promote kendo in the community through philanthropic events, social media, and media exposure
      1. Support and promote SCKF events through print, radio, and television media
      2. Support community kendo events for each member dojo
      3. Support kendo demonstration events at community institutions, such as schools, cultural events, scouting organizations, etc.
      4. Utilize video and web-based content to increase interest in Kendo
      5. Engage the youth to increase social media exposure
    • Aim: Increase and continue to diversify the membership base of SCKF
      1. Increase SCKF membership by 20% in 2 years
      2. Reduce the membership "drop-rate" year-to-year by 20%
      3. Perform outreach to dojos in need of assistance
      4. Provide equipment to dojos in need of assistance
    • Aim: Sustain SCKF member organizations and practitioners
      1. Conduct training seminars for select membership demographics such as youth, competition, referees, instructors, examiners, dojo administrators, etc
      2. Conduct events wherein participants have opportunities to build camaraderie, learn from each other, and identify with and enjoy the experience
      3. Conduct academic seminars on Budo, Kendo, kinesiology/sports science, and related topics by experts in the field; make these open to the public
      4. Provide literature and multimedia resource materials
    • Aim: Diversify the financial base of SCKF
      1. Fiscally manage, report, and disburse grant money from the Otsuka Fund
      2. Identify and develop revenue sources such as grants, corporate funding, and donors
      3. Continue to optimize fiscal resources while maintaining fiscal integrity
    Objectives need to be made measurable.

  4. Stakeholders and Interests
    The interests of the stakeholders should help guide and adjust the aims and objectives.
    • Stakeholders
      1. Dojos
      2. Practioners
      3. Community Centers
      4. City
      5. Other kendo federations and organizations
      6. Parents
      7. Institutions (schools, colleges, companies, government (consulates, military, security forces, etc), cultural/historical societies (eg Japan Society, Museums, Military Arts History organizations, etc)
    • Interests, i.e. why people are interested in kendo:
      1. Exercise
      2. Opportunity to compete (individual, team)
      3. Build skill in a traditional martial art
      4. Intellectual: culture, philosophy, history, art
      5. Social
      6. Building strength in community diversity
      7. Supporting Youth
      8. Supporting Seniors
      9. Teach/instruct/mentor youth, adults,
      10. Pass on the art to next generation as they've been taught/Learn from those who are passing the art
      11. Travel
      12. Friends (local, in state, nationally, internationally)
      13. Cultural enrichment
      14. etc.
    Stakeholder interests need to be assigned weightings.

Here's a notional Budget (just to have a starting point):

  1. Tournaments: 40%
  2. Outreach: 10%
  3. Representational: 5%
  4. Education -- For instructing, training: 20%
  5. Academic/Cultural Seminars: 10%
  6. Stakeholder Relations (or, organizational investments): 5%
  7. Community/City Support: 10%
This would be adjusted according to year-end results and time deemed necessary to reach goals/objectives.

  • 05/06/18: initial creation (cf 2017)
  • 06/09/18: approval at SCKF BoD meeting of:
    • timeline and schedule
    • SCKF vision
    • SCKF purpose
    • online survey on stakeholders and interests

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