Southern California
Kendo Federation


Commands and Phrases Used During Keiko

Japanese English
arigatou gozaimashita "Thank you very much"
hai "yes" (used to answer when called)
hajime "begin"
haya suburi fast suburi - one count per backward step plus foward strike
hiraki ashi footwork used when the body is positioned diagonally (front foot is same side as forward shoulder)
kamaete "assume the appropriate kamae"
kiai o dashite "More kiai!"
ki o tsuke "attention"
kiritsu "stand up"
men no uchi gokai "basic men strike, 5 times"
men no uchi sankyodo "basic men strike, three count movements" (1=raise shinai, 2=strike, moving forward, 3=step back)
men o tore "take off the men"
men o tsuke "put on the men"
mokusou "meditate"
naore "eyes front" (stop mokusou)
nuke tou "draw the sword(shinai)
onegai shimasu "I request the favor (of a practice)" (said when beginning keiko with a more senior kenshi)
osame tou "put away the sword(shinai)"
rei "bow"
sayu men "make a line"
seiretsu "make a line"
seiza "sit in seiza position" (see basic vocabulary)
shusseki o torimasu "taking roll call"
suburi ikkyodo one-count suburi (alternate striking forward and backward on each count)
suburi nikyodo two-count suburi (raise the shinai on the odd count; strike on the even count, alternating the going forward and backward and each strike)
wakare "dismissed" (signalling end of practice)
yame "stop"
yonkyuu ika wakare "4th kyuu and below, dismissed"

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